
Admission open from Nursery to 10th Classes 2025-2026



The scholastic year consists of three terms:

First term Second term Third term
June to August
September to November
December to January

Monday to Saturday:

Morning Session Lunch Interval Afternoon Session Games
08.45 am to 12.30 pm
12.30 pm to 01.15 pm
01.15 pm to 04.00 pm
04.00 pm to 05.15 pm

*Every Second Saturday is holiday.


  1. The Written application for the Transfer Certificate must    be forwarded to the Headmistress. The reason for making application must be mentioned in the application.
  2. No Transfer Certificate will be issued till all the dues are cleared.
  3. Being absent for school for mere social function is  not r     recommended because it retards the child’s progress in school and minimizes her respect for regular hard work with  consequent failure in her studies.
  4. The following categories of pupils may be required to be withdrawn from the school:
    1. Those who fail to show satisfactory progress i.e., 35% in all the subjects.
    2. Those whose behaviour in the opinion of the principal is harmful to the interest of the school.